Teachers Walking on Eggshells

By Michelle Blanchet

How do we make it okay to talk about things again?

During a recent project, I worked with teachers to deliver problem-solving workshops. The teachers discussed challenges in their local schools and communities, developing potential projects and solutions to address them.


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Building Consensus Instead of Conflict

By Brian Deters

“I want to wear my mask, but I don’t want people to view me as a liberal!”

A colleague of mine made this statement the day after the district I work in decided to go along with a court restraint on our state’s mask mandate in Illinois last spring. When...

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3 Ways to Improve School Culture

By AJ Bianco and Dave Frangiosa

There's no denying that the landscape of public education has shifted dramatically in the last few years. While many of the challenges we're facing were present before the start of the pandemic, they have been magnified by these events. Students have had to...

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5 Benefits of Social-Emotional Learning Books

As a teacher, you don’t just want your students to acquire knowledge. You also want them to grow up emotionally mature. Here are some benefits of social-emotional learning in the classroom.

Better School and Class Climate

Incorporating social-emotional learning in class creates a more...

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Cultivating Student Happiness: Beware of Toxic Positivity

By Lisa Parry

When my oldest daughter graduated from high school a few years ago, I gave her and her four closest friends a bracelet with this affirming message:

She believed she could, so she did.

It seemed like the perfect sentiment for five young ladies ready to leave the comfort and security...

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Civics is Good, but Politics are Bad: A Serious Conundrum

By Michelle Blanchet

“I’m sorry to be political” or “I’m sorry to bring politics into this” became phrases over the years when people want to discuss something important in our world.

I often wonder what this means and why people think they need to apologize...

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From a Deficit Model to a Human-Centered Approach

By Dr. Byron McClure

Despite our roles in the field of education, we have all been misled, leading us to focus on the wrong things for way too long. It's not our fault. We shouldn't blame any one person, group, or philosophy.

The truth is that if you are a teacher, school administrator,...

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No More School Walls: Create Partnerships with the Community

In an age where information is readily available to anyone at any time, we can leverage communication channels to break down the school-as-fortress attitude and move to support each other for the benefit of our kids.

Flattening the walls of your school entails eliminating the communication...

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How To Structure a Project Based Learning Experience

As questions about project-based learning (PBL) continue to swirl, we turned to the experts to help answer our questions. 

Experienced classroom teachers and school administrators Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy explain how to empower those intimidated by PBL to cry, “I...

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Setting and Modeling High Expectations

In his popular book, Hacking Classroom Management, Utah English Teacher of the Year and sought-after speaker Mike Roberts brings you 10 quick and easy classroom management hacks that will make your classroom the place to be for all your students.

He shows you how to create an...

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